Ph.D. Professor
- Director, Computational Biology and Machine Intelligence(CBMI) group, National Laboratory of Pattern Recongition(NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Professor of School of Artificial Intelligence in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Email:
Academic Background
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering & B.S. Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1986-1991
- M.S. Electrical Engineering, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995-1998
- M.S., Ph.D. (with Dr. Bradley Nelson), Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 1998-2004
- Postdoctoral Training (with Dr. Gaudenz Danuser), Computational Cell Biology, Scripps Research Institute, 2004-2008
Honers & Awards
- Best Paper Award (with Hao-Chih Lee), IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015
- Best Paper Award (with Kuan-Chieh Chen), International Symposium on Computational Modeling of Image Objects (CompIMAGE'14), 2014
- National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award, 2012
- Invited participant, IEEE EMBS Forum on Grand Challenges in Biomedical Imaging, 2012
- Invited participant, NSF Ideas Lab on Innovations in Biological Imaging and Visualization, 2010
- Wimmer Faculty Fellow, Wimmer Foundation and Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
- Nomination for Burroughs-Wellcome Interfaces in Science Award, Scripps Research Institute, 2007
- Burroughs-Wellcome LJIS Interdisciplinary Fellowship, Burroughs-Wellcome Fund, 2006-2007
- Excellent Student Award, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Elite Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1996
- Guanghua Fellowship, Tsinghua University, 1989
Professional Services
- Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics (area: bioimage informatics; term 2016-)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (area: biomedical imaging; term: 2012-2014)
- Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (2012-2014; 2015-2017)
- Co-chair (with Dimitri Van De Ville of EPFL) of tutorial sessions, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2015)
- Spring 2018 Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis
- Fall 2009-2016: BME42-620 Engineering Molecular Cell Biology
- Spring 2010-2016: BME42-731/CB02-740/ECE18-795 Bioimage Informatics
- Spring 2011, 2012, 2014: BSC03-741 Advance Cell Biology (co-taught with Adam Linstedt, Tina Lee, Manoj Puthenveedu, Phil Campbell)
- Spring 2009: CMU02-701/Pitt MSCBIO/CMPBIO2060 Current Topics in Computational Biology
Current Postdoc & Graduate Students
- Angran Li (Fall 2016-), Ph.D. student, Mechanical Engineering (co-advised with Prof. Jessica Zhang)
- Qinle Ba (Fall 2013-), Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering
- Sahil Rastogi (Fall 2015-) Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering (co-advised with Prof. Tzahi Cohen-Karni)
- Xiaoqi Chai (Fall 2015-) Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering
- Siyu Chen (Fall 2017-) M.S. student, Biomedical Engineering
In Memory of Tony Pawson (1952-2013)
Indeed, I think that new and unpredictable ideas flowing from fundamental research in the sciences and humanities will be essential for us to transcend the problems we face in combating disease, climate change and social upheaval. I personally envisage a world in which the diseases that afflict mankind are fully brought to bay, so that every child born into the world has the promise of a full and natural life span. At this challenging time in history, this may seem overly optimistic, but I believe that humankind has the genius, the altruism and the passion to make this a reality. As I said in my acceptance speech yesterday, we are a young and inventive species.
-Tony Pawson, Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture, 2008